Past Webinar Videos

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Title : Stress management in women with breast cancer

Catholic University of Central Africa, Cameroon

Title : Natural phytochemical antioxidants from Withania somnifera can treat breast cancer

Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan Government College, India

Title : Clinical profile and survival outcomes of Filipino women with uterine sarcoma: A 10-year retrospective cohort study in a tertiary hospital

University of the Philippines College of Medicine, Philippines

Title : Risk factors associated with overall survival of breast cancer patients: Accelerated failure time model verses proportional Cox models

Ilam University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Title : Promotion of breast feeding and prevention of breast cancer among women

Christian Medical College Vellore, India

Title : Association of the level of awareness of lymphoedema with the level of quality of life among breast cancer survivors

University of Mostar, Croatia

Title : Bladder endometriosis - A rare entity

Shivani Khandelwal

Title : Breast MRI indications and impact on therapy

Security Forces Hospital Dammam, Saudi Arabia