Dr. Zalikha Al-Marzouqi
Oman College of Health Sciences, OmanPresentation Title:
Barriers of Breast Self-Examination among Women in Oman
Introduction: Breast cancer is viewed as one of the most health-threatening among females. It has been considered the most extraordinarily fatal type of disorder. Worldwide, breast cancer is deemed the top reason for morbidity and mortality among females. This type of cancer is number one in many countries and is the second leading reason of death among females. Nevertheless, breast cancer can be faced via health education and proper screening, such as breast self-examination. The study aimed to investigate knowledge, practice, and barriers to breast self-examination among Omani women. Methods: This study will use a non-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional design, with data collection at a single point. The study will be conducted in North Batinah Governorate in Oman. The target group will be women from different primary healthcare institutions. The Study's implication: There were few attempts to explore women's knowledge, practice, and barriers to breast self-examination. Therefore, this study is an endeavor to meet the current knowledge gaps in Oman regarding women's knowledge, practice, and barriers regarding breast self-examination. Studying women's knowledge and practice of breast self-examination will contribute to a better understanding of this screening test in Oman and how to promote it. This study is necessary to mothers, healthcare professionals, and policymakers by providing further knowledge of breast self-examination in Oman.
Education: PhD in Nursing from University of Manchester, UK, Master in professional practice from Uclan University, UK, BSN from Villanova University, USA.
Experience: 20 years of experience in teaching nursing students. Interested in conducting research studies related to maternal health. Conducted many international research studies with many researchers from different countries especially systematic review and meta-analysis. A researcher with international research team in Jordan, UAE and Iran. A reviewer in RERAC in North Batinah and Burimi Governorates, MOH. A reviewer in em P One journal in USA. A reviewer in F1000Research, London, UK. A member in Sigma.
Theta Tau International (STTI) Honour Society of Nursing, Alpha Beta Delta Chapter. A member in Program committee of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Alpha Beta Delta Chapter in collaboration with Sultan Qaboos University to organize educational programs.