Dr. Yun-Chen Chang
China Medical University, Taiwan
I think Breast Cancer 2023 was held very well.
In future, I will recommend the conference to my colleagues. I will reconsider
the Scientex conference.

Dr. Diksha Chaturvedi
Shri Ram Murti Smarak Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Thank you for giving us a platform by inviting
us and allowing us to present our work. And thank you for all the help
throughout the process.

Dr. Istaqlal Al Ghaithi
Oman Medical Specialty Board, Oman
The International Conference on Women's Health
and Breast Cancer was wonderful and well organized. I hope we meet again at the
upcoming conference in Bangkok, Thailand.

Dr. Julia Akhter Nira
CMH and Army Medical College, Bangladesh
I thank you once again for giving me the
opportunity to attend and present my paper at an international conference. As I
am an OB-GYN, reproductive medicine, and infertility specialist, I came across
so many talented people in the world, their works, thinking, and fields of
vision. I am grateful to you for that. All the people on the organizing
committee were very helpful and cordial. I hope you will remind me and invite
me to your next conferences.

Dr. Zainab Khalfan Al Maqbali
Oman College of Health Sciences, Oman
The International Conference on Women's Health
and Breast Cancer was excellently organized.

Dr. Noura Al-Zeheimi
Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Thank you very much for organizing this excellent and useful conference. Thank you for all of your hard work to provide such a well-organized and informative conference. I am extremely appreciative to you and your team for such a well-planned, well-executed, and enjoyable conference.