Dr. Mary Anbarasi Johnson
Dr. Mary Anbarasi Johnson

Christian Medical College Vellore, India

Breast Cancer 2023 was so gratifying, excellent coordination, brilliant speakers, insightful, thought-provoking, terrific and stimulating information were obtained through participation.

Ms. Gordana Milos
Ms. Gordana Milos

University of Mostar, Croatia

I am extremely satisfied with the responsiveness of the SCIENTEX organization for the Breast Cancer 2023 Dubai Conference. Everything was successfully carried out with great commitment and effort. I am happy to be a part of this great event. I hope my webinar topic was interesting. Thank you for the good organization of the congress in Dubai UAE, Hybrid Breast Cancer 2023.

 Alito Soares
Alito Soares

Guido Valadares National Hospital , Timor Leste

Thank you very much for everything, I am very happy to be able to meet all the experts and researchers from various expertise and hopes to participate in other conferences in the future.

Eric Edwin Yuliantara
Eric Edwin Yuliantara

Maret University, Indonesia

Thank you for the committer inviting me to this meeting. This is my second time experience joining this meeting. Midweek expertise, midweek researchers from the other country, the entire world. I think we can make a collaboration with our research in our own country because I'm surprised. Yeah, Every country is unique and have many researchers, many what we call researchers and Adventists. Maybe if we can collaborate with another country. Like my topic today, many questions I have and one of the participants asked me, can you make collaboration with country. I think it's good for us. Thank you very much. Maybe next time we meet again next year. Thank you so much.

Popy Yuniar
Popy Yuniar

Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia

This is my first time attending this conference and I think it's a very good moment even to meet researchers and also colleagues from other countries to see their experience and also very great research and hope fully for the next year probably, I think they can arrange a similar conference with another, probably a bigger event and a lot of participants came from all over the world. Thank you for the opportunity. Thank you so much.